Terrapolis is an imaginative ecosystem that combines digital coral reefs with natural materials. It is a home for post-human species—a hybrid planet where the environment and inhabitants co-create and evolve together.
"I live in a post-human ecosystem, where digital and alien plants merge. Iridescent organisms generated from pixels blend with vibrant, organic forms, constantly mutating. A landscape pulsing with life. A planet called Terrapolis."
Species GumanPlanet Terrapolis, year 3993
These creatures, called Guman, represent a blend of soil, microbiomes, and various forms of life. Their name symbolizes the connection between the earth and the many fermenting beings that coexist, nourish each other, and decompose together.
These hermaphroditic sculptures challenge dualisms and speciesism through environmental activism. Constructed with a skeleton similar to that of coral, made of calcium carbonate and minerals such as copper, iron, and silica, their bodies can mutate in response to environmental needs, developing gills, synapses, or limbs.
They have the ability to self-fertilize and function like phytoplankton: transforming soil nutrients and sunlight into regenerative matter. They can sprout, regenerate, and ultimately decompose, becoming compost for their planet, Terrapolis.
Medium: Digital clay modelling, Prints, Projections
Year: 2023/2024